My introduction to Toltecquity

How I Got into Toltecquity

I stumbled upon the Toltec path in the mid-'90s when a friend of my brother introduced us to a captivating book, 'The Teaching of Don Yuan - The Yaqui Way of Knowledge' by Carlos Castaneda. This book served as my entry point into the intriguing world of Toltec traditions originating from Mexico, revealing an entirely new perspective on life. The writings of Castaneda were nothing short of compelling, prompting me to read them cover to cover at least two or three times. As I delved deeper, I discovered more about the origins and history of the Toltecs, exploring the firsthand experiences of anthropologists who immersed themselves in the traditional ways of these indigenous people.

What is Toltec-Wisdom?

The term 'Toltec' refers to an ancient civilization from Mexico dating back more than six thousand years. In that era, the Toltecs were revered as people of knowledge, mastering unique skills to become perceivers of profound truths. Present-day Toltecs, known as the 'Wixarika Indians,' continue to embody their ancestral traditions, residing in communities that maintain a close relationship with nature and the elements.

'The Way to Awareness'

'The Way' represents the practical application of the knowledge and skills acquired. It is about integrating Toltec wisdom into our lives, living 'the way to awareness' and opening ourselves to potent knowledge. The Toltec traditions emphasize the profound wisdom inherent in nature and the elements, a knowledge that the ancient Toltecs could access at will.


  • Studied Social Anthropology at University

  • Participated in AVP workshops based on ancient Toltec practices: Integrated many of these skill sets into my daily life.

  • 13 years as a student of Ken Eagle Feather: Assisted him in workshops, deepening my understanding of Toltec teachings.

  • Running Toltec-Connect: Established an organization that evolved from the Sacred Trust, organizing Toltec workshops in the UK with renowned Toltec teachers.

Embarking on the Toltec path has been a transformative journey, shaping my worldview and influencing the way I navigate life. As I continue to integrate these ancient teachings, I find myself living 'The Way to Awareness,' discovering profound wisdom in the timeless traditions of the Toltecs.


Recapitulation - The fundamental practice for clearing our energetic entanglements.


Following the call to Cornwall